Sprinkles and Sparkles - Spinal Flow Technique for Children

- Location: Tanunda, SA
- Product code: PFSX37
Spinal Flow Technique for Children
Marg is a certified Spinal Flow® Practitioner. Spinal Flow Technique™ is a fast, effective way to heal from pain, disease and illness. Marg can identify and release spinal blockages. A spinal blockage is a misalignment of the vertebrae, causing a block to the flow of Life Force Energy. A spinal blockage happens when our bodies can’t properly process or deal with stress, whether that’s chemical, physical or emotional stress. Marg can help restore the flow of Life Force Energy, by letting the body’s innate intelligence repair and heal the body / mind back to health and ease.
Initial consultation allow up to 1hr 15 mins - Children 5 - 12 yrs - Initial Consultation - $80.00 (includes posture & gateway assessment age dependent plus a 10-15 minute treatment)
Initial consultation allow up to 1.5 hours - Teenagers 13 - 17 yrs - Initial Consultation - $100.00 (includes posture & gateway assessment plus a 30 minute treatment)
Appointment Requirements are to have a guardian in the room and to fill in the appropriate consent forms and health questionnaire first. Followed by depending on the age, child's understanding and if the child can follow instructions then there will be a posture and spine assessment, spinal blockage assessment and a treatment. (Please check if the child is able to lay face down on their stomach).